Pictures and stories about my fishing trips over the years
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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Redondo Breakwall 04/07/2012
Met up with John aka Redkorn at about 6:30 A.M. and proceeded to the first spot we tried about 1/4 of the way up the jetty. Stayed there for a little while trying out dead ghost shrimp, squid and cut mackerel for bait on the ocean side. Got some taps on the ghost shrimp, but nothing stuck. We did see a young fellow "poke poling" on the harbor side of the jetty. He pulled up maybe a half dozen small rockfish and an 11" calico bass while we were there. I gave it a try, but didn't get any takers. We decided to move up the jetty after a while and I proceeded to about 3/4 of the way down the jetty and tried the same bait for a while on the ocean side while John tried his luck a little ways back (he got tired of walking up the jetty). Stayed there for a while, for no takers. One guy next to me pulled up a 12 3/4" cabbie which I measured for him before he returned it. At this point Mahigeer had arrived at the base of the jetty and requested that we move back up the jetty a bit so he would not have to walk as far as we did. After meeting up with Mahigeer at about the 1/2 way mark of the jetty I tried the same bait on both the ocean side and harbor side for no takers again. Mahi and John worked the inside of the jetty with all of the fish they caught being via poke poling. I cast out a hair raiser for a little while and witnessed two or three 3" flatfish following it in up close. It was pretty funny to watch them stalk it. They would go for it every so often, but I think the hook was almost as big as the fish. At around 3:30 Mahi had to run so we move back up the jetty to about 1/8th of the way up and I fished the ocean side for a little while, again for no takers. Weather was great all day, too bad the fish didn't want to cooperate. Some pictures I took on the jetty below.
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