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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs

Saturday, April 28, 2012

PFIC Catalina GTG 04/28/2012

This was the first year I attended the annual PFIC Catalina Get Together, and it was great fun. Day started super early Saturday morning with me leaving the house at 3:00 A.M. to drive and pick up my friend John in Whittier and get to the landing in time. After the wife dropped us off we waited for the boat and watched a huge school of sardines moving around inside the harbor. After a smooth boat ride over we arrived on the island at around 7:30 A.M. and set up shop in the SE corner of the Mole. Fishing started out pretty good with John catching a nice sculpin and whitefish and I caught a whitefish. Once the other PFIC people stared showing up around 10:00 A.M. we mingled a little meeting everyone and then the fishing derby started at 10:30 A.M.. Caught a 14" calico bass and a small rock fish (I think it was Boccaccio, but I am not sure) during the derby (I could have slaughtered the derby by catching my limit of pacific and spanish mackerel and blacksmiths and other assorted small fish, but being my first derby I did not want to show off, lol.). John caught a short calico during the derby. After lunch provided by a PFIC member (Gudude is the families PFIC handle I believe) and raffle trophies were given out  to the winners in each division (I got an "Awesome Angler trophy) and back to fishing we went. Caught a ton of small fish the rest of the day while watching schools of sardines, mackerels and other bait fish swim by, there was even a small school of juvenile squid cruising around.

All and all a GREAT day spent with AWESOME people on the best Island around for fishing.

Some fish and other pics below (I will add more when others post them on PFIC):

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