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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Shelter Island Pier Kid's Derby 08-03-2013 (San Diego, CA)

So me and a few of the PFIC gang went on our second annual trip down to San Diego to help out with the kids derby. My job for the day was passing out bait to the kiddies :). Redkorn and I fished for about an hour after the derby, but did not catch anything. It was a nice event, although there were a lot less kids than last year. I took a few pics which are below, then I have copied and pasted a report from Mahigeer and pics from Arcadian from PFIC below that.

Mahigeer's Report from PFIC:

It was that time of the year. The Shelter Island Kid’s Derby.

I sandwiched two boat trips around the derby, so at 2:00 AM, Friday on the August 2nd, Rich1963 came to my house and we left Los Angeles for San Diego.
My SUV was packed and once we put Rich’s stuff in it we got on the way. See my other report about the boat trips.

When we got back from our boat trip and had dinner and rested a bit, we headed to the pier.
The idea was to cut as much bait as we could the night before the derby. That way we can bag them next day and be ready for the kids when the Derby starts at 9:00 AM.
Vick had dropped the bait cooler at the pier, and we left it there after our work was done.

1-The Bistro behind the bait shop had hired this pirate to be the bouncer!! He plays his part with enthusiasm.

2-The team at work cutting bait. We separated the anchovy’s heads to use as chum during the Derby.

3-We used two (2) stations. It was handy to have a large work area with water for our work.

4-Rich had to be on his guard to keep the pelican (in the back) from stealing his work.

He has had back surgery, but the marine kept on going and working until we chopped all of the anchovies and some of the squid.


We left the pier around mid-night to find our hotel. After a few hours of sleep, we were back on the pier little after 7:00 AM. Arcadian, RedKorn and Burger were already on the pier.
We got to work and set up an Eazyup cover that I had brought to establish a headquarter for the distribution of the bait.

5-When I took this picture; the efficient staff had already signed up a lot of young anglers.

7-Ms. Katharine Miller, head of the San Diego Sportfishing Council and his assistant and my contact Mr. Vic Gamboa the event Coordinator.
Vic was giving the young anglers some gifts in lieu of raffle.

Vic is my contact with SD Sportfishing Counsel. I am always surprised when he speaks Turkish to me. He learned some when he was in the service in Turkey.

The gentleman in the center in the above picture is a regular at that pier named Halibut Bud.

8- Last year I saw him with an apron exactly as mine. He is well known halibut catcher of this pier. What are the odds of two people from two different cities wear the same apron and
meet at the same event?? Looks like he had his for a while.

9-Burger is at ready to handout bags of bait that we prepared. I brought the shade and furniture, to provide us with comfort and a “headquarter” for bait distribution.

We used the chum (the white buckets) that was donated to the event to attract the fish.

10-Now retired Marty Golden of NOAA came to see us and is talking to his replacement, Charles. Great friends to have. On the left another group is preparing loaner rods.

11-Arcadian (David) is helping Rich cut squid. We cut the anchovies the night before. RedKorn (John) is bagging the bait ready to be sent to Burger (Jason) for distribution.

Burger and RedKorn carpooled with Arcadian. They drove from Los Angeles to San Diego to help out with the Derby. What a troupers. They as well as Rich did anything that was asked from
them to make the Derby run smoother.

Calaznfisher and his girlfriend were there also. Calaznfisher put on an orange judge’s vest and got to work scoring the cards when someone had a fish. His expertise in identifying fish was very helpful.

The Organizers always express their appreciation of our help, and this time it was no exception.

The derby started at 9:00 AM and we had plenty bait, but the fishing was slow. Some mackerel later in the day, but mostly lizard fish. A perch and some short bass were caught too.

Later there was a halibut caught on live bait by some experienced pier regulars.

12-Tommy Gomes of Catalina Offshore Products is preparing some thresher shark for the tacos.

13-His team came to help as well. I think Tommy pays them for their time, but they are great bunch to come on weekend to work.

14-I had six of these delicious thresher shark tacos. They were going to toss them if no one wanted them.

There were also hot dogs, drinks, chips and candy for everyone who was there.

15-Mr. Mike Farrior of International Fish and Game (IGFA) giving out the prizes to the winners.

The gentleman in the background was a volunteer with the Fish and Wildlife. Later I saw him using the Ahi bait stick to catch bait. First person that I have seen besides me that uses that rod.

16-Some of the winners.

17-Overall winner for this year. His name will be attached to the trophy, but he does not get to keep it.

18-Thomas placed first in his division.

He might have won the overall (not sure about the point difference) had not been for the fact that he forgot to reduce his Sabiki rig to two (2) hooks. I could not award him the points for a fish.

19-Thomas and his dad have been coming to this derby for years. I have literally seen him grow each passing year.
They live in northern California, but spend the money to fly and stay in a hotel to fish with us.

20-Calaznfisher took this picture. Marty and Charles of NOAA, Thomas and his dad, the great crew of PFIC.

I enjoyed talking to Calaznfisher and we broke bread so to speak and had tacos, while sharing fishing stories.

Another Derby done. Not as many kids this time. Fishing was also slow, but that is out of our hands.
We did the best we could we the rest.
Most of the fish were small and I don’t have any pictures. Arcadian took some pictures and maybe he can add them here.

Since there was not any raffle, the event ended after the first place prizes were given out. We were done by 1:00 PM.

Burger and John did some fishing while rest of rested.

Once again thanks everyone for your help. See you next year I hope.

The End.

Here is a group picture that Ms. Miller took.

Arcadian's Pictures:

Okay here's Some Pictures I took, not very many.

A young happy Fisherman

And Another

This Guy was hanging around for a bit

Also I took a group photo a few


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