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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Redondo Breakwall 06-30-2012 to 07-01-2012

Met up with John aka Redkorn at around 8:00 PM at the secret shrimping location and set up shop. Fishing at the shrimping grounds was dead for me all night, John caught one legal sculpin that we released because we did not feel like dealing with it. Shrimping was also pretty slow catching three or four every so often. Ended up with about 30 or so to use for bait at the big jetty at Redondo in the morning. One cool thing that did happen was we were checked by DFG for licenses and catch while shrimping. They were super cool and intrigued by the shrimping. I asked them what the limit was since the regs are kind of vague, but they really did not know either. After checking the licenses and BSing a bit they were on there way. We drove over to Redondo at around 4:20 AM and found the gate closed :(. Usually if you get there before the parking dude you can just pay hourly on a board they have near the parking area. Not today, we had to wait for about an hour and a half before he woke up and let us in. Fishing was very slow, I caught one 10" or so Sargo and John did not catch anything. John left around 8:00 AM when his ride showed up and I split around 9:30 AM. One fish in 13+ hours.....yeah, kind of slow, lol.

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