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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Surf Fishing Malibu 09-05-2013

After going almost a week without any fishing, I was more than ready to hit the water. I fished from 6:25 AM till 10:55 AM. Low tide was a 0.26 at 3:50 AM and high tide was a 4.69 at 9:57 AM. Bait was squid. Fishing was pretty slow, but it was nice to be out on the water. Caught my first fish of the day at 8:13 AM, which was a 10-11" cabazon (didn't measure it, just eyeballed it). My second and last fish for the day was a small and interestingly colored buttermouth / black perch at 8:49 AM. Fishing may have been slow, but it was nice to at least catch something after so long :).


  1. Nice catch there. you've got different kinds of fish that you caught and don't even know the other names of the fish that you got. thanks for the blog, its very informative to me.

    Alaska Sportfishing Expeditions

  2. You are most welcome. Thank you for reading and commenting.
