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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Surf Fishing Malibu 06-26-2013

Fished in Malibu again today with Brian. We fished from around 6:00 AM till 10:45 AM. Fishing was pretty slow for the first couple hours, but picked up around 8:00 AM or so. I caught a nice 16.5" calico bass around then. About 45 minutes later in a different spot I caught another nice calico bass that measured out to 15". A short time later I caught a small (9" or so) grass rockfish (released) and then a 11" or so black sea perch that was very pregnant (released very quickly :)). A little bit later and Brian catches his only fish for the day, a small (22" or so) leopard shark. I gotta say I love surf fishing in Malibu!


  1. Hi, nice to meet you. I like your blog. I like to go fishing. But I don,t know where to go . I want to start to go fishing for grass rockfish. Could you tell me where you fish for grass rockfish in Malibu? One or two point. My e-mail address is I am looking forward to going fishing to your place. And I have time on Saturday. Sometimes I go fishing on Saturday. Thanks a lot.

  2. Hi, nice to meet you too. There is an old saying "There are two things you should never ask for from a fisherman....#1 his fishing spot, #2 his wife", lol. You just need to get out there and fish. Look for submerged rocks and kelp and or eel grass. The best thing to do is drive along where you are thinking of fishing at a very low tide (preferably a negative tide) so you can see what structure is actually out there. It just takes hours on the water to catch fish, not necessarily a hot spot. I have been skunked in Malibu plenty of times and I do not always go to the same spot. Good luck fishing out there.
