Pictures and stories about my fishing trips over the years
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Website in the works. In the meantime I have posted some music I enjoy. I post my fishing trips here as a resource for future trips and to re-live the trips when I cannot get out to wet a line. Comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy. All pictures and videos are taken by me unless otherwise noted and I reserve all copyright privileges to all my Narratives, Photos and Videos. - Burgs
So after taking a couple hour nap after the Ventura trip I got up and headed to Culver City to pick up Thresher_One / Robert at about 10:30 P.M. on 02/25/2012. We arrived at the secret location to make bait for the morning. We worked all night getting live peppermint shrimp as bait for the morning fishing at the jetty. I also caught five huge (all 14+ ") pacific mackerels while making bait (I could have caught all I wanted, but five was enough). At around 5:30 A.M. we moved to the main jetty / break wall at Redondo. We walked about half way out and fished from about 6 A.M. till about 10:45 A.M.. Robert was killing it and I was picking off a fish every so often. Robert released about 6 big pregnant black / butter mouth perch and about 5 small sargo. He kept one large sargo (15+") and two Split Tails (new species to me). I landed about 7 butter mouth perch (kept two, the others were either to small or were pregnant) a tiny opal eye and one decent sized sargo. I hooked into something that felt pretty massive, but either it or a seal broke my 30 pound test :(. Robert lost one 16+" opal eye one the rocks on the way up (it was a dang nice looking fish). All and all another great outing with Robert at Redondo and our secret shrimping location.
Fish pics and a pic of the kelp in the harbor below:
Met up with my fishing buddy Brian at 8:00 AM in Woodland Hills. After a quick pit stop at 7-11 for muchies and drinks we proceeded to the jetty. We started fishing around 10:00 A.M.. Brian hooked up on a wall eye perch pretty quickly using muscle. I went quite a while without anything. At some point, I noticed an about two foot wide hole between three rocks that had water down below, so I dropped my bait (frozen squid) in there and just a few minutes later...tap, tap bam fish on. Pulled up a 10" rock fish, sweet! After that I moved around casting to rocks and holes I could see and caught four more rockfish from 10 to a little over 12". They were all the same species of rockfish (not sure what kind, anyone know? We were thinking grass or brown rockfish). Brian also joined in the rockfish party and landed 3 or 4 of them as well. He also hooked into a nice 5" or so rock crab which we promptly returned since it was caught on hook and line. We packed it in at around 3 PM. Another great day of fishing in Ventura, CA. All fish except the biggest rockfish were promptly released to get bigger.
Fishing area and fish pics below (in no particular order):
Fished the long break wall at Redondo from about 11:30 A.M. till about 4:30 P.M.. Started out about half way down it for about 45 minutes without any bites on sand crabs and squid so I moved down to almost the end of the break wall. At some point I switched bait to pieces of market shrimp and the was the trick. I landed five black perch and lost two on the way up between about 2:00 P.M. and when I left. I kept three (big one is a little over 12" the other two were about 11") and put the other two back because they were on the small side. One angler who was leaving said he had caught two bonito at the end, which is not surprising as the birds were diving everywhere. I tossed a bubble a little, but I think I was too far from the harbor mouth. Fish pics and fishing area below:
Brian and I hit up the rocks just North of Hobson Beach fishing from about 11:00 A.M. to about 6:00 P.M. We were using mainly sand crabs as bait but I did also try live peppermint shrimp, squid and mackerel chunks as well. I caught one dink BSP and Brian caught four medium to small BSP and one 11" calico surf perch (returned, because it looked to be pregnant). The main reason for going there was to harvest muscles, but the swell did not cooperate so that will have to wait. Pics of our fishing area and the calico Brian caught below.
Hit up the rocks just South of the sportsfishing pier inside King Harbor with the wife (she just kept me company, no fishing for her). Fished from about 11:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. catching about a dozen medium to large pacific mackerels. The swell was pretty huge all morning (waves were crashing over the main jetty regularly).